Code | Course Title | CH | Code | Course Title | CH | |
CS-110 | Programming Fundamentals | 3+1 | CS-111 | Object Oriented Programming | 3+1 | |
ENG-102 | Foundation of English | 3+0 | ENG-112 | Communication Skills | 3+0 | |
MTH-101 | Calculus & Analytical Geometry | 3+0 | CS-101 | Discrete Structures | 3+0 | |
PKS-101 | Pakistan Studies | 2+0 | ISL-101 | Islamic Studies | 2+0 | |
PHY-101 | Applied Physics | 3+0 | CS-214 | Introduction to Software Engineering | 3+0 | |
ICT-101 | Introduction to Information and Communication Technologies | 2+1 | SOC-101 | Introduction to Sociology | 2+0 | |
TOTAL (Theory + Lab) | 18 (16+2) | TOTAL (Theory + Lab) | 17 (16+1) | |||
Code | Course Title | CH | Code | Course Title | CH | |
CS-201 | Data Structures & Algorithms | 3+1 | CS-324 | Operating Systems | 3+1 | |
SE-211 | Software Requirement Engineering | 3+0 | CS-241 | Database Systems | 3+1 | |
MTH-201 | Linear Algebra | 3+0 | SE-201 | Software Design & Architecture | 2+1 | |
HU-202 | International Relations | 3+0 | STS-202 | Probability and Statistics | 3+0 | |
SE-212 | Human Computer Interaction | 3+0 | ENG-106 | Technical Report Writing | 3+0 | |
HU-201 | Community Service 0+1 | 0+1 (NC) | TOTAL (Theory + Lab) | 17 (14+3) | ||
TOTAL (Theory + Lab) | 16 (15+1) | |||||
Code | Course Title | CH | Code | Course Title | CH | |
SE-313 | Software Construction and Development | 2+1 | SE-314 | Software Quality Engineering | 3+0 | |
CS-331 | Data Communication and Computer Networks | 3+1 | CS-342 | Information Security | 3+0 | |
SE-3XX | SE Supporting - I | 3+0 | HU-303 | Professional Values and Ethics | 2+0 | |
CS-352 | Artificial Intelligence | 2+1 | SE-341 | Web Engineering | 3+1 | |
SE-3XX | SE Supporting - II | 3+0 | SE-3XX | SE Elective - I | 3+0 | |
TOTAL (Theory + Lab) | 16 (13+3) | SE-3XX | SE Supporting - III | 3+0 | ||
TOTAL (Theory + Lab) | 18 (17+1) | |||||
Code | Course Title | CH | Code | Course Title | CH | |
SE-426 | Software Project Management | 3+0 | SE-4XX | SE Elective - III | 3+0 | |
SE-416 | Software Re-Engineering | 3+0 | SE-4XX | SE Elective - IV | 3+0 | |
SE-4XX | SE Elective - II | 3+0 | ECO-101 | Economics | 2+0 | |
MGT-401 | Management and Entrepreneurship | 3+0 | CS-499 | Final Year Project – II | 0+3 | |
CS-499 | Final Year Project - I | 0+3 | SE-4XX | SE Elective - V | 3+0 | |
TOTAL (Theory + Lab) | 15 (12+3) | HU-404 | Health Safety and Environment | 1+0 | ||
TOTAL (Theory + Lab) | 15 (0+3) |
Code | Course Title | CH | Code | Course Title | CH | |
SE-324 | Agent Based Software Engineering | 3+0 | SE-442 | Semantic Web | 3+0 | |
SE-331 | Big Data Analytics | 3+0 | SE-428 | Software Engineering Economics | 3+0 | |
SE-325 | Cloud Computing | 3+0 | SE-429 | Software Metrics | 3+0 | |
SE-332 | Data Encryption and Security | 3+0 | SE-435 | Systems Programming | 3+0 | |
SE-315 | Global Software Development | 3+0 | SE-407 | Computer Graphic | 3+0 | |
SE-333 | Information Systems Audit | 3+0 | SE-417 | Game Development | 3+0 | |
SE-334 | Management Information Systems | 3+0 | SE-418 | Mobile Application Development | 3+0 | |
SE-404 | Multimedia Communication | 3+0 | SE-436 | Natural Language Processing | 3+0 | |
SE-427 | Real Time Systems | 3+0 | SE-437 | Software Testing | 2+1 |
Code | Course Title | CH | Code | Course Title | CH | |
SE-321 | Business Process Engineering | 3+0 | SE-323 | Simulation and Modeling | 3+0 | |
SE-302 | Operations Research | 3+0 | SE-303 | Stochastic Processes | 3+0 | |
SE-322 | Formal Methods in Software Engineering | 3+0 |