Directorate of Quality Assurance & Enhancement, University of Wah, in its recent HEC Scorecard for Yearly Progress Report (YPR) 2021–22 has scored 97.23% and placed in the highest category “W” by the Higher Education Commission of Pakistan. QA&E has improved its score as compared to the previous scores of 96.97%, 94.29%, and 92.12% in 2019–21, 2018–19, and 2017–18, respectively. This upward trajectory underscores UW’s relentless pursuit of excellence and continuous improvement in quality assurance and enhancement practices. The QEC scorecard is based on the yearly performance of Quality Enhancement Cells in Higher Education Institutions. The criteria for evaluation include Institutional Performance Evaluation, Program Self-Assessment, Post Graduate Program Review, Functioning of QEC, and Implementation of HEC policies.
Congratulations, UW family, for unwavering dedication to upholding standards of excellence and ensuring Quality Education for All.