On the invitation of UW FM 101.8 radio, students from Women's University Swabi accompanied by Mr. Waseem Khattak, Head of Journalism at Women's University Swabi, visited Wah University to celebrate World Radio Day on 13 February 2024. Mr. Umar Hayat Khan, Station Manager, FM Radio Station-UW, warmly welcomed them and briefed about radio programming techniques, scripting for radio, and digital marketing. As part of the practical segment of their visit, the students had the opportunity to apply their newfound knowledge and record a dedicated show in honor of World Radio Day at FM 101.8. This educational endeavor provided students with hands-on learning opportunities and an enriching exchange of insights and experiences. It also fostered meaningful collaboration between the two universities and showed the relevance of radio in the digital era while equipping students with invaluable skills in radio programming and digital marketing. The excursion highlights institutions' commitment to education and experiential learning for future media professionals.