Prof. Dr. Jameel-Un Nabi, Vice Chancellor, University of Wah (UW), delivered a thought-provoking keynote address at Capital University Conference on Mathematics (CUCoM), hosted by Department of Mathematics at Capital University of Science and Technology, Islamabad, on 11 January 2025. His talk, titled “Calculating β-decay Rates with a New Recipe”, showcased innovative research in nuclear physics. During his address, he highlighted the importance of accurate calculations of β-decay rates and introduced a novel computational approach developed in collaboration with researchers from the Horia Hulubei National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering, Romania. He explained how the inclusion of finite nuclear size and screening effects in the computations offers significant advancements over traditional methods. The talk also highlighted a comparison of newly computed phase space factors (PSF) for β± decay and electron capture, showing close agreement in β± decays but notable differences in electron capture. These improved PSF values lead to more accurate β-decay half-life predictions, affecting stellar rate calculations.
The audience, which included prominent mathematicians, physicists, researchers, and students, greatly valued Prof. Jameel's scholarly contributions and the potential implications of his findings in nuclear physics and astrophysics. UW takes pride in Vice Chancellor's continued efforts to push the boundaries of research and foster collaborations with international institutions, cementing UW’s reputation as a hub for academic and scientific excellence.