
There is a dire need to offer valued services in the Islamic Republic of Pakistans education field. In this regard, hard work is required from early to higher levels of education. Along with educational institutions, seminars, conferences, and educational meetings are good ways to promote education. By applying these steps, Wah University is progressing in different fields gradually and providing society with educated manpower. Efforts are made to improve quality education by using the latest techniques and technology, and special attention is given to research. In this regard, like in previous years, the Islamic education department will organize an international conference to promote Seerat-un-Nabi ﷺ. It will provide a platform for students, scholars, and educators to consider possibilities of promoting Seerah by using AI according to the needs of the modern age. It will provide the opportunity to understand the excellent living standards in the society acquired from Seerat. The objective of this conference is not only to promote education, development, justice, humane service, forbearance, good manners, and peace but also to discourage ignorance, injustice, prejudice, inhumane practices, terrorism, and cruelty. Moreover, it will help harmonize the activities of the new generation with the Seerah by using Artificial Intelligence and guide the young generation towards a future that will help them to serve the country and nation in a better way. By mixing new and old values, we can move forward to a future that will be a source of happiness for all. And this is possible only by following the Seerat un Nabi ﷺ.

Detailed Conference Program

Will be uploaded soon.



First Part

  • Moral aspects of Seerat e Tayyiba and AI
  • Economic aspects of Seerat e Tayyiba and AI
  • Social aspects of Seerat e Tayyiba and AI
  • Cultural aspects of Seerat e Tayyiba and AI
  • Training aspects of Seerat e Tayyiba and AI

Second Part

  • Seerat e Tayyiba and common values of the nations of the world and AI
  • Seerat e Tayyiba and moral development of the nations of the world and AI
  • Seerat e Tayyiba and the use of AI in the modern age
  • Seerat e Tayyiba and developing Islamic values in the Neo- Muslims community and use of AI
  • Seerat e Tayyiba and the use of AI in the problems of the Modern age

Third Part

  • Promoting Seerat e Tayyiba in contemporary times and the role of AI
  • Peace mission of Seerat e Tayyiba and the role of AI
  • Moral development of youngsters in the light of Seerat e Tayyiba and the role of AI
  • Curbing social prejudices in society in the guidance of Seerat e Tayyiba and the role of AI
  • Ending linguistic biases in the guidance of Seerat e Tayyiba and the role of AI


Conference Brochure/Poster

Important Dates

Abstract Submission Deadline:28th February 2025
Announcement of Abstract Acceptance:5th March 2025
Deadline for submision of full paper:15th March 2025
Last date of registration:20th March 2025
Date of Conference:9th and 10th April 2025

Keynote Speakers

Dr. Abdul Hameed

Dean, Faculty of Islamic Studies,
As-Syafi'iyah Islamic University, Indonesia .

Dr. Mehmood Jameel

Abdullah Al-Salti, Al-Zaytoonah University of Jordan, Jordan.

Dr. Noriah Binti Ramli Ahmad Ibrahim

Kulliyyah of Laws (AIKOL), International Islamic University Malaysia.

Instructions for Authors

  • 1. The research paper should not digress from the themes of the conference.
  • 2. The soundness of the language and the beauty of expression in the research paper should be kept in mind and it should be free from errors.
  • 3. The paper has not been published in any magazine or presented in any conference.
  • 4. The cover page of the paper should contain the full title of the research paper, name of the author(s), email address (es), institutional affiliation, and title.
  • 5. An abstract of three hundred words with keywords should be sent along with the paper.
  • 6. The Chicago Manual of Style should be followed for citations to sources and references.
  • 7. The format for the paper should follow normal margins, fourteen fonts, and Jameel Noori Nastaleeq for the Urdu language; Skala Majella; and Times New Roman with twelve font size for English.
  • 8. The length of the paper, including sources and references, should not exceed fifteen to twenty pages of A4 size.
  • 9. References and appendices should be mentioned in the form of Footnotes instead of End Notes.
  • 10. The number of PowerPoint slides should not be more than ten.
  • 11. Appendices, bibliography, and indexes should be provided at the end of the article.
  • First, the abstract and then the softcopy of the article should be sent to the following email address: seerah@uow.edu.pk.

Conference Committee

Patron in Chief

  • Prof. Dr. Jameel-Un Nabi, Vice Chancellor University of wah


  • Prof.Dr Asim Karim, Dean Social Sciences and Humanities

Chief Organizer

  • Dr.Mussarrat Malik, Chairperson Department of Islamic Studies. University of wah


  • Dr.Sajjad Hussain, Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Studies, Mohiuddin Islamic University, Nirian Sharif , Azad Jammu and Kashmir. Mhammad Nasir visiting lecturer University of wah


  • Ms. Riffat Naseer
  • Ms. Fouzia Ayub


  • Ms. Fouzia Ayub

Focal Persons

  • Dr.Hafiz Shuaib Farooq
  • Ms. Samreen Haider

For Contact

Register for 2nd International two-days Seerah Conference on "Promoting Seerat - un-Nabi, Demands of Modern Times, and Artificial Intelligence." (Seerah-2025)


  • 1). Registration form must be duly filled.
  • 2). Incomplete and unauthorized applications will not be processed.
  • 3). Fee Details: PKR 3,000 (for National Participants), USD 100 (for International Participants). All the presenters will be awarded with Conference Certificates. Two days lunch and refreshment will also be offered to the participants attending the conference in physical mode.
  • 4). Account details for the fee submission of the foreigner:
    Account Title: University of Wah, Bank Name: Bank Alfalah, Bank Account: PK96ALFH0056001003619095, Nift Code: 0532101.
  • 5). After acceptance of Abstract/Extended abstract/full papers the author submits their fee by downloading Fee Voucher and Paid voucher is sent to seerah@uow.edu.pk.
  • 6). Accepted abstracts/papers will be published in conference proceedings which will be published online on UW website.

(*) required fields

How would you like to participate in this conference?: *
Topic/Discipline: *
Full Name: * Father Name: *
CNIC: * 3740601202585 Date of Birth: *
Institution: *
Highest Qualification: *
Department: * Country: *
Email: * Contact No: *
Postal Address: *
Proposed Fee: *

Print Your Voucher

Registered CNIC: *

(CNIC of any registered group member can be entered here.)

Conference Date: 9thand 10th April 2025

Conference Venue: Auditorium, University of Wah, Wah Cantt.

Important Dates:

Abstract Submission(Open): 28th February 2025

Abstract Acceptance: 5th March 2025


Download event poster:

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Please contact seerah@uow.edu.pk in case of any query related to Book of Abstract.